We work hard to ensure that all patients are cared for in a safe, secure and caring environment.
Committed to the well-being of each individual using our service; we take the abuse of vulnerable adults and children very seriously. We have effective policies in place to deal with any safeguarding issues and work in partnership with other agencies in line with the Department of Health’s Care Act 2014.
It is our duty to protect Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults from harm as part of the wider work of safeguarding and promoting their welfare.
Our Objectives
We aim to fulfill our commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our patients by:
- Ensuring there is Senior Management commitment to safeguarding
- Demonstrating clear lines of accountability and structures
- Appointing named person’s for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Vulnerable Adults, who are clear about their statutory role and responsibilities
- Supporting a culture that enables safeguarding issues to be identified and addressed
- Ensuring that accurate records with regard to actions and decisions are made
- Ensuring staff receive adequate safeguarding training to identify and protect patients from abuse
- Ensuring Safeguarding Children and Young People policies are regularly amended in line with National Guidance and the appropriate Essex Safeguarding Board’s