Help us to improve our Services

We value your feedback as it helps us to continue to improve the care we provide to our patients in the community. Completing one of our feedback forms should take approximately 3-5 minutes.

First Name (Optional)

Last Name (Optional)

Gender (Optional)

Email Address (Optional)

Type of Appointment?

Which community location were you seen at?

Which service did you attend?

Overall how would you describe your experience?

How clear were the clinical staff at keeping you informed about your care?

How would you describe the premises?

How would you describe the opening times of the service?

Once you had been told by your GP you needed to be referred, how long did you have to wait for an appointment?

Were you treated with dignity and respect?

How would you rate your experience and communication with the administration staff in the Patient Information Centre?

Did you feel that you were communicated with in a confident manner?

Were you encouraged to ask questions about any treatment you may have received?

How involved did you feel in the decisions about your care and/or treatment?

How likely are you to recommend our services to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?

How helpful were the administrative staff when you contacted the Patient Information Centre?

How would you rate your experience and communication with the administration staff in the Patient Information Centre?

Please only click once.