
Mayflower Healthcare Alliance; delivering excellence in healthcare
Dr Buhari recently supported the charity CHAPS at the Mens Health Check at Essex County Cricket Ground.
The event was well supported with good attendance by men from the local area wishing to obtain free information, advice and screening on a number of health issues. Dr Buhari provided the screening for skin conditions and during the day was able to identify and sign post a number of men onto the appropriate pathways for treatment and continuous care.
Dr Buhari thanked Chris Booth (Clinical Director) for allowing the Community Dermatology to be involved in such as worthy charity supporting men. He identified that men are notoriously slow to react to early warning signs of illness and rarely ever seek medical attention until something has actually gone wrong.
CHAPS is a registered charity which aims to raise awareness and support the development of new health services directly targeted at men’s needs to enable them to take care of their own health and well being.